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Craven's Fat Angie

Regular price $3.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $3.50 USD
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The Fat Angie is named after my little sister who is not named Angie and isn't really all that fat.  This fly is my answer to the Chubby, but more classy, more delicious and more buoyant.  Tied on a curved Klinkhammer style hook, the butt end sits down low in the water while the flexi-floss legs jiggle and wiggle.  Don't be the boat throwing the 287th Chubby the fish have seen today...bring Fat Angie along and have a much better time.

The Big Fat Angie is the larger sizes of these flies, featuring double polypropylene macramé yarn wings and an extra set of legs.  Big Fats are perfect for holing up heavy droppers and regular Angies are excellent attractor flies. imitating everything from ants and hoppers to cicadas and stones.  They eat it as food.  Feed them...